Chargemap Partners – Your data

This page refers to the processing of personal data carried out by CHARGEMAP on the website

Users of Chargemap Partners services are invited to consult the privacy policy available via their user interface.

Information on data processing relating to the use of Chargemap Pass is available at the following address:

What kind of data are processed?

When you submit the contact form, we process some of your data.

This form allows us to receive, manage and respond to your requests.

The categories of data processed in this framework are :

Finally, for security reasons, we use Google reCAPTCHA. This system helps us distinguish between humans and computers, and prevents malicious bots from filling in the contact form. For further information, please consult Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

What is the legal basis for processing?

Completing this form is voluntary and based on your consent, which can be freely revoked.

Providing the information requested in this form is not mandatory, but its absence or inaccuracy will prevent us from sending you a response (e-mail address) and/or responding efficiently to your request (subject and message). 

If you are under 16 years old, you must ensure that you have obtained the prior consent of your parents (or legal guardian) before providing us with your data.

Who is the data controller?

The data controller is CHARGEMAP SAS, located at 7 allée Cérès 67200 STRASBOURG – France.

Full contact details are available in the “Legal notice” section of the website.

What are your rights? 

You have the right to access, and if applicable, restrict, rectify and delete data concerning you.

You also have the right to object to the collection of data concerning you. 

Pursuant to article 85 of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 “Informatique et Libertés”, any natural person also has the right to define directives as to the fate of their personal data after their death. 

You can exercise each of these rights by sending your request, accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document, to the address of our data controller mentioned above. 

In accordance with your right to portability, we will respond to your regular access requests by providing you with a copy of the information concerning you in a standard digital format. 

You also have the right to file a complaint regarding the processing or filing of your personal data by addressing an authority (e.g. the CNIL for France).

Who is the data recipient?

This form is edited on Pipedrive, a customer relationship management tool. Pipedrive undertakes to comply fully with the requirements of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD) and to implement adequate data security.

The information you provide via this form is intended for : 

How long are data stored?

If you have only transmitted your information to us via our contact form, we may be likely to retain it for a maximum of three years after your last use of the form. At the end of this period, unless you renew your agreement, your information will be deleted from our databases. 

If you have transmitted your information to us in multiple ways and/or on multiple occasions, then this retention period may be extended accordingly.

How to contact us ?

For any request relating to your personal data, please contact us at the following e-mail address: [email protected] 

Postal address: 7 Allée Cérès, 67000 Strasbourg (France)